Saturday, March 3, 2012

30 x 30

So there are a lot of "30 things to do by the time you're 30" lists floating around out there, but I'd like to create my own list: 30 things I have done by the time I'm 30. I like to think of it as a sort of Bucket List in reverse.

Here goes....
  1. Ran a marathon. 
  2. Visited 6 continents. 
  3. Visited 43 states. 
  4. Graduated from Columbia University with my master's degree. 
  5. Graduated from Auburn University with my undergrad degree. 
  6. Sailed around the world on a ship. 
  7. Lived in Alaska. 
  8. Spent two fabulous years living in New York City. 
  9. Saw the start of the Iditarod. 
  10. Spent New Year's Eve in Times Square. 
  11. Learned how to use a chainsaw. 
  12. Spent a summer as a camp counselor. 
  13. Rented my first apartment post-college, lived off ramen noodles, and slept on an air mattress on the floor because I was too broke to afford furniture. And survived. 
  14. Went to a taping of The Price is Right.
  15. Went to Disney World 7 times. And Disneyland 3 times. 
  16. Celebrated in Times Square when President Obama won the election.
  17. Joined a sorority. 
  18. Saw New Kids on the Block in concert. Finally. 
  19. Swam with dolphins.
  20. Went skydiving. 
  21. Spent a year living on food stamps and in section 8 housing. (Thanks, AmeriCorps.)
  22. Spent 7 years in ROTC. 
  23. Spent a total of 10 years working at Gap, Inc.
  24. Bought my first car. 
  25. Maxed out my first credit card. And (almost) paid it off.
  26. Saw more Broadway shows than I can count actually on Broadway.
  27. Moved across the country 8 times. 
  28. Became a certified Wild Land Firefighter. (This training won't be complete until the week after B Day, but I'm going to go ahead and count it.)
  29. Was accepted to Teach for America. 
  30. Spent 3 years in AmeriCorps.
Compiling this list also made me really appreciate all of the amazing people who were present in my life during each of these adventures. This list served as a great source of reflection and helped me to recall some really wonderful memories with some really wonderful people. 

I was talking with a friend on the phone today and she asked, "At 20, where did you think you would be at 30?" That is a difficult question to answer because past-Elizabeth was a very different girl than the one I am now. I feel like I know myself a heck of a lot better now than I did then. I know what I want, what is important to me, what fills my bucket, and what makes me happy. I have a much better idea of what I want out of life now than I did then. While I am extremely grateful for past-Elizabeth's challenges and experiences, I am really excited for what the future holds for future-Elizabeth. 

Here's to being 30, flirty, and thriving!