Re-entry. Re-adjustment. Transition. Coming home. I have
been thinking about these things for several weeks, even before returning home
it was my job on the ship to think about these things on behalf of our
students. I would argue that we didn't dedicate enough time or effort to these
things on behalf of our shipboard community, but I would also argue that I
didn't dedicate enough time or effort to these things on behalf of myself.
Transitioning home after such a cliché but aptly labeled
life-changing experience is really challenging, to say the least. For the past
few weeks since arriving home, I have been trying to pinpoint exactly what it
is that makes it so difficult. Yes people's lives went on at home. Big things
happened, they really did. But I think it boils down to a lack of
understanding. Of understanding something they can't possibly understand. Of
understanding something they really may not have an interest in understanding. And therein lies the problem. The real
question is, "How do you explain the inexplicable?"
Past the first night at home, I haven't sat down with anyone
at home to try to explain just how this experience has changed my
understanding, my perspective, and my life. I haven't posted any pictures on
facebook and I haven't shared any pictures with anyone at home. The farthest I
got was looking up brochures for parents on their college student transitioning
home after being abroad. I contemplated printing out a copy for my parents. As
a grown adult, you wouldn't think this would be necessary, but I don't think
it's a bad idea.
The only solution I have come to is to keep moving, keep
learning, keep exploring. This may not be the best long-term solution, but for
the foreseeable future, that's the best I got.