Sunday, January 13, 2013

Anything is Possible

I woke up in a weird mood today. My mind races with all the shoulda, woulda, couldas that might have been had I not put real life on hold and signed on for this crazy adventure again. My mind fast forwarded to Baltimore –to  a school I’d never been to filled with students I’d never met. Should I have put those kids on hold for a year while I pursued my own crazy dreams? A part of me feels guilty about that, that I should have stuck to my teaching commitment and been half way through my first year of teaching instead of on a ship on the way to Hawaii. But later that day I had this moment where I thought, “Anything is possible.” Those are great moments, when you realize that anything is in fact possible. We’re told that as kids and for the most part, the general consensus is that anything is possible, but to actively feel it coursing through your veins is pretty incredible. So the plan moving forward is to see how I can use this experience to better serve those students I’ve never met in a classroom I’ve never been to this fall in New Orleans. 

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